Meet Naval, our new senior designer
As our company is growing, we are glad to present you yet another new team member: Naval Paradkar! With over 17 years of experience in advertising, events and digital Naval recently joined Skyne as our new senior designer.
Originally from Mumbai, India, Naval was brought up in a surrounding rich in culture and art which inspired him to pursue a creative career. His mantra? To design for the people not for the brand, because relevance and purpose are key. According to Naval “There is beauty in everything we see around. Something different, something interesting catches my attention. Therefore, I am always creating & curating and browsing the latest trends”. He continues: “Things done with passion and commitment is what I look forward to in work life. And in my private life, I think compassion works similarly: do what you believe in. I am a man of simple beliefs, and I prefer simple living. Yet, I am an avid geek who loves curating movies, TV and superheroes.”
‘Never stop learning’ is another principle Naval lives by. Within Skyne he aims to investigate the science behind branding further, and he strives to unlearn the things he has learnt wrongly in the past. But most of all, he wants to create exciting work that benefits our clients and collaborate with a team that continues to grow. Because to him, teamwork is always the way to move forward.
Welcome to the team Naval!