Lab Rooms® Middle East has now successfully been launched!
Lab Rooms® brings fast, fun and affordable ways to turn ideas into reality to the Middle East.
The UAE is filled with people that have brilliant business ideas, hidden away in their minds. Now, the ground-breaking concept Lab Rooms® is here to help people and companies turn these ideas into reality. After a flying start in Amsterdam, Lab Rooms® officially launched in the Middle East on June 26. Introduced in the vibrant city of Dubai, the ‘pressure cooker’ programme allows people with great ideas and vibrant minds to ‘stop starting’ and to ‘start finishing’. Within one day. Consider it your fully functional agency for a day. Before you know it, you’ll walk out of the room with a professional concept, business case, video, click demo or even digital prototype.
Making ideas happen; how Lab Rooms® works
Lab Rooms® is a fast-efficient, easy and affordable way to make ideas fly without the clients losing their ownership. The main goal is to transform as many brilliant ideas into brilliant realities. Whether it’s a scribble on a coaster or a concept that needs a ‘push’ to go live, all you have to do is book a room, choose a date and decide which expertise guidance your project needs. During the one-day session, your team is strengthened by the carefully chosen Lab Rooms® experts with skills like programming, designing, marketing, strategy, copywriting, user experience flows, and much more. Clients get to work on their project, gain experience and become effective and efficient while being pampered with proven creativity techniques, mindfulness, and good food. In the morning, goals and deliverables are determined and at the end of the day, the team gets the job done while having fun doing so.

Collaborative effort
Lab Rooms® Dubai is a collaboration between Martijn Boomsma, the founder of Lab Rooms®, and Skyne Creative visionaries. In 2015 Martijn Boomsma wanted to create a fast-effective approach that enables companies to improve at the speed of a start-up. “Why choose an extensive process if we can accelerate and validate ideas just by working together?” The Lab Rooms® concept was born. Dennis de Rond, the founder of Skyne, was immediately triggered by the idea and approach of Lab Rooms®. He knew he had to bring it to the Middle East. “It is the missing link in the world of agencies, offering a much more inclusive and short-term commitment option”, de Rond says. “Clients often feel excluded from the creation process when hiring an agency. They give the brief, the agency takes it back, chews on it, brainstorms for it, creates something and presents it back to the clients. With Lab Rooms® the client is actually participating in the rooms themselves. This refreshing approach meets today’s agile and fast-paced times.”
In a mere two years’ time clients ranging from NGO’s, to corporates and start-ups have experienced the effective method of Lab Rooms®. Involving the clients’ employees in the project resulted in a great sense of ownership, internal buy-in and better motivation to take things to the next level.
From now on anyone who’s sitting on a great idea, can make it real in a fast, fun and affordable way with Lab Rooms®. All they have to do is book a room, choose a date and decide which expertise guidance their project needs. For more information, please visit Lab Rooms®.
For more information or an explanation, please contact Dennis de Rond, founder of Skyne Creative Visionaries.