A sneak preview of the Dutch Design Center for the members of the Netherlands Business Council Dubai
In December 2016 the first Dutch Design Center worldwide will open its doors in the Middle East and Africa’s prestigious Dubai Design District, D3. On the 20th of September, Skyne’s Hanadie Zondervan-Sheikh and Royal Ahrend’s Matthijs Onland provided the members of the Netherlands Business Council (NBC) Dubai with an exclusive sneak preview. In the NBC Dubai’s monthly Business over Breakfast event, the representatives of the DDC’s founding companies, presented the overall concept, the latest developments and explained how Dutch design related companies can join the Dutch Design Center’s online and/or offline platform.
Zondervan-Sheikh:“The Dutch Design Center is the first of its kind as it has a physical location that people can visit. The sneak preview during NBC’s Business over Breakfast event has been met with great enthusiasm and attendants have expressed their desire to join this unique platform.”
About the Dutch Design Center
The Dutch Design Center is an inspiring online and offline platform showcasing the best and latest of Dutch design. The center aims to pioneer the true essence and craft of Dutch design worldwide. The center is a collaborate initiative of leading Dutch firms, HunterDouglas, Keller Kitchens, Royal Ahrend and Skyne Branding and Design. Together with partners including Dutch Design Foundation, Dutch Creative Industry, Royal Philips and more we orchestrate boutique exhibitions and noteworthy keynote speeches. We also mobilize creative workshops and unique collaborations.