كتيب ” رعاية المهنيين ” متوفر الآن باللغة العربية
Difficult times demand a lot from all individuals, and in this time especially from healthcare professionals. For them, it is important that we have clear, practical tips on how to deal with some of the difficult things that confront them during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means ensuring healthcare professionals, can deal with the physical, emotional and psychological challenges that await them every day. The exact reason why six Dutch healthcare experts wrote a booklet: Caring for professionals.
It is written as a practical, short manual to give comfort, tips and advice for all healthcare professionals who are working under great pressure.

Our longtime friend Charlotte Ruegg had connected with the writers of the original Dutch booklet and felt that this booklet would also be helpful for the Middle Eastern region especially UAE and KSA and we fully agree.
Over the past weeks, Skyne collaborated with her and four different companies in three different countries to design and develop the booklet in Arabic and share it with the world.
We are very proud that companies with different backgrounds and cultures collaborated with one mutual goal; creating the booklet caring for professionals in Arabic.
A big thank you to Charlotte Ruegg in Dubai, Al Narjis Printing and Publishing and the Green Crescent Hospital both in Saudi Arabia.

The creation of the Arabic booklet is a non-profit initiative by all companies, and everybody may download or share the booklet for free.
You can download the booklet by clicking this link: www.caringforprofessionals.com